Thursday, October 20, 2011

Ten Principles of Losing Weight

Yes, I am taking it seriously,
My mom brought home a magazine .. " Health at Home , International Journal of Better Living and one article is about losing weight.
But of course , once I read it I found the urgency of sharing it and post it here.
This is what i got...( I included my comments hehehe)
"Ten Principles of Losing Weight"
1. Think long term. Shortcuts and quickie plans never last
I always thought that once I escape 3 meals i could lose 2 kilos hahaha!!!!
2. Do it for yourself. Improving your health and energy are better motivation than a coming class reunion
Oh well, we are planning to have a class reunion next year, maybe it would be a bonus then to have a slimmer look..
3. Prepare the way. Don't rush into a diet before you are ready for long- term changes. Keeping a diet journal. will help you become more aware of what you eat and why.
I should consider doing it. Since, as of now, I only limit my self to eating half cup of rice ( but I could still not resist eating chocolates haaaiiizzz)
4. Think fruits, grains, legumes, and vegetables. In the standard American diet, more than 50 percent of calories came from fat, sugar and alcohol
5. Control portion sizes. Use a smaller plate. Serve yourself smaller portions and put away leftovers before you eat. At restaurant, ask for a doggie bag instead of cleaning your plate
We are using big plates hehehe....I might suggest to mom to have a smaller plate then (anyway she is also want to lose weight hehe)
6. Eat three meals a day. Eating at regular intervals will not send your body into a deprivation(starvation) mode, which may cause you to eat and binge more.
Ohh did I read it right? three meals a day!!!!! okay.. no comment hehe
7. Maintain your program. Successful weight - lose managers realize that they are not on a temporary diet - they are starting a permanent new lifestyle.
8.Exercise. It's fun and keeps you flexible. Activity is the key to successful weight control, particularly in middle age.
Emphasizing middle age hehe .....
9.Don't overdo it. Don't push yourself to the higher end of the target range. A brisk one-hour walk a day is a terrific goal for steady, healthy weight management.
Yaah, I should not push my self to the limit...
10. When you think activity - think "play". Walking the dog, gardening, yard work, household chores, sports, bicycling, and playing with kids are all productive activities. How do kids exercise? They play! You can have fun too.
Jumping rope and badminton with Clarence might do for now!
This principle are so simple, though requires a lot of Self discipline.

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